The following are notes for several of the games listed below: Name stays the same after stealing from shop

As Faceball 2000 is incompatible with the default Game Boy emulator, the ROM hack for it is as well.The Breath of Fire and Breath of Fire II improvement patches are compatible with the North American desaturation patches for those games listed below.Lastly, while the patches for the Game Boy Color games below make the respective games believe they are being emulated on a Game Boy Advance to enable additional features, as they are still Game Boy Color games, they should be placed into the Game Boy Color folder of the FunKey S.
Should the WarioWare: Twisted! patch not function properly with your backup of the game, ensure that your game's CRC32 checksum value matches the one listed here. Should your backup of either of the first two Boktai games not be the retail North American versions, patch files for other variants of those games are available here. As the patches for Boktai 2 and Boktai 3 implement button combinations that interfere with FunKey S system shortcuts, they also require adapted controls to be fully-compatible. Games that require the patch to be fully-compatible with the FunKey S are highlighted in green. This section lists game patches that restore game functionality originally implemented via unemulated system or game add-on hardware. Note that while ROM hack patches are entirely legal and may be freely distributed (as they must be applied to the associated game's ROM file to serve their purpose), the distribution of pre-patched ROMs, as with regular unpatched ROMs, is considered to be piracy. The game can then be put into the folder of its respective console on the FunKey S. After selecting your matching IPS and ROM files, the application will apply the modifications to the ROM file and finish with a The file was successfully patched! message. To use Floating IPS, begin by launching the application and selecting Apply Patch.
Once this is done, the file can be patched with the Floating IPS application if using Windows or Linux, or MultiPatch if using MacOS. As this page only links to downloads of ROM hack patches and not unpatched or pre-patched ROMs, users must first have their ROM backup of the game to be patched saved to their computer. This page lists ROM hacks that are recommended for the enhancement or improvement of several games.