Katzer: Why Open Source Software Deserves Protection under Copyright Law, David FerranceĮconomies Set in Stone? Magdalenian Lithic Technological Organization and Adaptation in Vasco-Cantabrian Spain, Lisa Marie FontesĮcotone conditions along pinon-juniper and ponderosa pine elevational ranges, Jemez Mountains, NM, Christopher SandersonĮcoturismo indígena, Luiza Azevedo LuíndiaĮcoturismo y sociedades amazónicas : estudio de antropología de turismo : el caso de los Siona, Ecuador, Péter Cs. BleeckerĮconomic Interests and Jacobsen v. SalazarĮconomic Impact of the School for Advanced Research on the Economies of Santa Fe County and the State of New Mexico, Doleswar BhandariĮconomic Impacts of Albuquerque Airport System on the New Mexico Economy, Doleswar BhandariĮconomic Impacts of the Anticipated Non-Accreditation of Bernalillo County Levees, Daren Ruiz, Lee A. ReynisĮconomic Development at a Public University - A Process Model and Associated Metrics, Andres C.

Water Utility, Heidi PittsĮconomic and Fiscal Impacts of the Proposed Medicaid Expansion in New Mexico, Lee A. Earned Income Tax Credit Portability: Respecting the Autonomy of American Families, Mary Leto ParejaĮarnings and Employment: The Effects of the Living Wage Ordinance in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Nicholas PotterĮarth Hymn, Alan Stringer and Anne GriffisĮarthsongs for Chorus and Orchestra, Michael MauldinĮ-business, e-ideas, e-government, e-policies, and e-education, Ramiro JordanĮcho-Reactions in Arctic Hysteria and Latah, Helen CarpenterĮcocultural Adjustment: A Peace Corps Sojourn, Melissa Michelle ParksĮcología, economía y ética del desarrollo sostenible, Eduardo GudynasĮcología y biogeografía de la Amazonía, Betty Jane MeggersĮcological Constraints and Life History Tradeoffs among Human Foragers and their Prey, Oskar BurgerĮcological implications of resource depression, Eric Charnov, Gordon Orians, and Kim HyattĮconomía andina : estrategias no monetarias en las comunidades andinas quechuas de Raqaypampa (Bolivia), Jhonny Limbert Ledezma RiveraĮconomía del ambiente, Philippe Bontems and Gilles RotillonĮconomía política de las comunidades indígenas, Luciano Martínez ValleĮconomía popular y desarrollo humano, Alberto Moreno CornejoĮconomía urbana : la perspectiva popular, José Luis CoraggioĮconomía y ecología, Franck-Dominique VivienĮconomía y globalización : de menos a más, José MoncadaĮconomic Analysis of Infrastructure Investment and Irrigation Budget Issues in a Southwestern U.S.